Future-Conscious Thinking in a Transforming World
We are living in a continuously changing environment. Nothing looks to be stable, so key competencies of resiliency and sustainability counts for both the businesses and environments. We have the incommensurability widened; there are no common measurements for the environments, historical periods for the quarters.
These terms became more and more important because these are interlocking four dimensions across the social, business, services, and individual layers.
As I often say, "the usually missed innovation is a result of the inspired mindsets and we can reach these simply by interconnecting rather different areas, the same way as we create an oxymoron in literature". By the resiliency and sustainability competencies, the interconnection happens for innovation, too. A so-called SMART solution is an innovative cross-industry business solution either. Similarly, the best employee is often a cross-domain capable colleague. We need to build these skills in one common sense, in a mutual understanding between the companies/communities and its employees/citizens to provide a sustainable development roadmap for them. This decade of transformation is about bringing up these common skillsets across the individual/technology/business areas in one common concept. My self-innovation development model depends on this approach as well.
Let us see how these transformations occur in different areas and what we might recognize yet:
- Digital Transformation is redesigned. The regular e-business models are updated for current business opportunities in order to gain new clients, new markets, and a chance to somehow overtake the effects of Artificial Intelligence penetration to our life and workplaces. Earlier the companies partially transferred their workflows to these new channels, but at that time they did not really update their business models to utilize the available new markets, newly created product packages, and its new process possibilities neither. Now, things are changed. The thinking approaches and the new business models are opened and matured enough the personally customized product development and solution selling is now a potential based on the Business Intelligence knowledge or by the Industry 4.0 analytics/diagnostics.
- Artificial Intelligence has been integrated into our daily life and going down to individual levels. As I see: “Our knowledge-depth is our personal Silicon Valley”. With the augmented AI tools and smart analytical solutions, we might be as experienced as needed in a situation. In any sector, there are practical solutions and advanced levels from diagnostics up to decisioning, automation, robotics. This turns our life into a Futuristic World, so our mindset needs to keep up with it quickly. Thought Leaders are involved to structure content and analyzing situations as trusted influencers, helping to understand and articulate actual needs in ethical and theoretical ways as well.
- Agile goal orientation is mandatory. Because of fast changes and incommensurability the strategical planning, measurement KPI-s, or business goal orientation have to be updated as well. We need the right balance of SMART goals (perhaps in 80-20% as a Pareto rule), which is measured based on a good performance and those parts, which can be refined in an unwaited sudden situation. People’s motivation has to be kept on all levels in order to retain the mature workforce in health and safety during changes.
- Big Data has been centralized at key players and used/resulted in Artificial Intelligence solutions finally. Either our transactional or personal data is collected by our handy tools basically and we became of our own sensors finally. With more data, our complexities are grown as well, so new system structures are required regularly. In my own approach, a Feigenbaum-number-based change-ratio is the set for a new level of system thinking in each stage. So, every growth by a Feigenbaum-number-based percentage is better to have a new system for a properly set organization.
- Cloud has finally reached a new business approach instead of an infrastructure change itself. It not just transforms our environment and optimizes resource usage, but also opens possibilities for digital transformation thinking.
- Automation is everywhere now. It is at optimized processes, in smart manufacturing and robotics, in SW development and testing as well. We must keen on human-machine interaction and their cooperation, instead of optimizing only. Both best practices and innovative ideas are based on failures and process enhancement needs. In case we eliminate the altered viewpoints or the positive mistakes, we might lose the innovation mindset as well.
- Profitability is not the only principle to look for. The sustainability-related real values also count more and more. On the World Economic Forum at Davos in December 2019 they had said that a shareholder to stakeholder transformation also should happen. Even a value-holding approach is required to enhance that. The new EFQM quality model should make the whole ecosystem interested in our wider business success & long-term healthy businesses with sustainable partnering cooperation even in transforming environments.
- Next Generation is started to live by these values. We can call them Beta-generation or COVID-generation, but practically they are growing up in an uncertain world and forced to utilize their power in these changing environments. Those soft skills we had worked for a lot earlier became their basic skillsets. They are flexible, resilient, and sustainability-oriented minds by default.
For our better cooperation, we need new social models, but we might update economical approaches as well.
The Nash equilibrium (which is a solution for non-cooperative games) should be adapted to current economies and ecosystems. According to my viewpoint, only those strategies make the wishful progress today, when individual and common interests are matched.
My motto is: Every link has two ends. This is a two-choice world. Either we live from others or live for others. You can win a competition, or even more, perhaps all. Finally, only those moments count where a win-win situation you had. Only the trust earns trust!”
So let us build it up accordingly!
Author: Gabor Pinter
A certified Thought Leader, Business Development expert
thinker & publisher in Mind Mate Inspiration’s open community
Original publication & first appearance: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/future-conscious-thinking-in-a-transforming-world-by-gabor-pinter/